What Really Matters? Make a change that really matters to YOU.
2025!!! The New Year is quickly approaching and all of the cliché quotes and life altering thoughts begin to roll… “I’m starting my diet….I’m going to exercise more….I’m finished with soda….I’m no longer going to touch chocolate (at least not on weekdays)….I’m going to do this….I’m not going to do that…”, and the list goes on. Some succeed, some fail. Some changes are temporary and some are permanent. As many of us plan for the big potential change in our lives for 2025, I would like you to think about what matters most to you.
In a bit I want to tell you what matters most to me, but first I want you to think again, what matters the most to you? The list is endless and there is no right or wrong choice. This is your chance to be selfish. “A New Year, a New You!” Don’t change because someone else wants you to. Don’t jump on the latest trend that everyone is doing. Make a change that really matters to YOU.
Maybe this change really is the traditional better eating/more exercise change in lifestyle.
- Maybe it’s saving money for that favorite toy or trip or car you’ve always wanted.
- Maybe you really want that promotion at work and this is going to be the year.
- Maybe you finally want to get help for that pain in your back that’s been nagging for years. (I know a few people that could help)
- Just a few ideas that came to mind, but pick one or maybe even a couple that really matter to you.
When I was asked to write this, I had the freedom to pick any topic that “really mattered” to me. A couple of weeks ago I figured I would talk about a winter activity (shoveling, ice fishing, curling, etc.) and how we can be safe around the snow and ice and prevent pain and injuries. Although I do have a strong passion for helping people with their physical health and I really do want all of you to have a safe and pain free winter season, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago sitting around the table for Thanksgiving with my wife and three kids that I came up with what I wanted to share with you and what really matters to me.
Prior to eating dinner, we went around the table discussing what we were thankful for. I started, “I am thankful for the delicious food Mom made and are about to eat.” Grayson (7), “I am thankful for getting to go hunting with Dad today.” Viola (5), “I am thankful for Mom painting my fingernails today.” Asher (1.5) “Mum, Dada” (I think his mouth and hands were already full of food). Andrea, my wife, finished, “I am thankful for a happy, healthy family and being with all of you tonight.” We were all thankful for time with family. It was a reminder that being present with family is what really matters to me.
As all of this took place on Thanksgiving night at the dinner table, I knew this is what I want to change and improve on in 2025 and beyond because it really matters to me. I want all of these moments with my family to come first and more often. I’ve heard too much, “they grow up fast”. So very true and I don’t want to miss it. To me this means less screen time or phone use and more fingernail painting, hunting with family, or more dinner-time giggles. This means doing work at work and keeping home our home. This means knowing it’s okay to say “No” when family time is the cost. I want to be a better husband and a better Dad because family is what really matters to me.
I hope the New Year is a wonderful one for everyone. You have a chance to “start” or “change” something about you or in your life. I hope that whatever you pick to potentially change, you stick with and are successful at changing for 2025 and beyond. For me, yes I would like to maybe shed a few pounds or plan a big trip, but this year I am going to think a bit different on a change for 2025. I want to make more of those family moments and make them first and foremost all the time.
So maybe this year, sit back and think a little longer or look a little deeper into what potential change really matters to you.

By: Mike Justman, PT, DPT, CMTPT
Mike Justman works at Orthopedic & Spine Therapy’s Clintonville location. After graduating from UW-Milwaukee College with his doctorate, Mike returned to his roots. He lives in Clintonville with his wife, Andrea and their three children. He has been with OST since 2013. Click here to learn more about Mike.